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Contact the Tempool Inc Team

We're always looking to plaster and create the next amazing pool, and we'd love for it to be yours. Reach out to us anytime and we will get back to set up an appointment to discuss the project and quotes.


Serving our customers is our top priority. We look forward to hearing from you.

Not required but this speeds up the process
Not required but this will speed up the process

"[Tempool] has actually gone out of their way to accommodate my busy schedule and I really appreciated that."

-Kevin Follett

"Incomparable quality and dedication to the industry!"

-Murillo Reis

"Tempool refinished my pool last Summer, and we love it!"

-Josiah Azakiah

"Tempool evaluates a large variety of products for manufacturers, so they know the best to use in construction."

"They drained, prepped, and put new marcite in my pool - it transformed the entire back yard."

-William Cookston

Our Executive Team

Our team at Tempool Inc consists of over 36 plasters and management personal. Below are the heads of our various departments with contact information. Reach out anytime!

Jon Temple, Founder & Lead Trainer

Jon Temple

Founder, CEO

Robert Abinuman Headshot

Robert Abinuman

Department Head for Plaster

Chris Ahne Headshot

Chris 'Bumper' Ahne

Department Head for Preparation

Tim Estrada Headshot

Tim Estrada

Finishing Technician

Tempool Inc.

1512 Millcoe Road, Jacksonville, Fl 32225
PHONE: (904) 724-8967
FAX: (904) 724-8155

Lone Star Plastering

Lone Star Plastering

Over the years I have enjoyed traveling both personally and professionally.  Many of you may not know that my passion for travel and service lead me to the Peace Corps for many years.  I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to visit beautiful and diverse locations in the world throughout my career.

It has been said, if you have passion for something you never work a day in your life.  This is the case with my job on most days and by continuing to master my craft, Tempool has been involved in some amazing projects around the globe.   We have been recognized as industry experts, affording our team the opportunity to finish pools in locations all over the Caribbean, Middle East, Europe, and beyond.

Most recently our work at Tempool has been recognized in our industry by the producers of a major cable television show that highlights the construction of incredible swimming pools.  We were contacted to complete the plaster finish portion of a residential pool renovation in Texas for the show.  Within just a few days of filming, our small crew was asked to be apart of the six more episodes of the show!  We are thrilled to be involved with this project and to continue grow our trade globally.

Whether traveling domestically or internationally, we at Tempool like to immerse ourselves in the local culture and enjoy sharing any knowledge that we can about the pool finish craft that we so dearly enjoy.  This trip to Texas was no exception and we plan to collaborate on more projects in the Lone Star State.

In the coming months look out for the Tempool crew on a TV or in a city near you!  We have caught the travel bug and don’t plan to stop anytime soon.

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Pond Hopping
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